This customer wanted a simple logo that she could put as an emblem for items like tote bags and stickers.
She is going to begin breeding Bernese Mountain dogs and whenever she sells the puppies, she will be creating a care package for them. She wanted this emblem to be in that care package.
Her requests were to keep it simple, include the words "Heard of Berners" and "Loyal, Loving, One of a Kind", include a flower in the middle, with a heart on the side. Additionally, she wanted the color sage.
I chose a rose because it represents loyalty and love. I designed the rose to be simple by doing it as line art. This keeps it delicate and follows the loyal and loving energy that she wanted this logo to give off. I also chose this specific font to keep this energy going while still trying to keep it legible for her customers.
She was very happy with the results and there was no need for changes after I was finished.